Vishuddhi Chakra

Throat Chakra

     In Sanskrit, Vishuddhi means "especially pure” and Chakra means “wheel” or "vortex of Prana" meaning "life force energy." 

     The Throat Chakra as it it also referred to as is the fifth energy center, located at the throat it is also as the purification center because it purifies and harmonizes all opposites.

     This energy center is also known as the center of nectar because it is the meeting point where poison and nectar, or good and bad are united into a common blissful experience.

     Another will known term for this Chakra is the center of speech because of the location of this energy center and the throat and vocal cords. 

     Vishuddhi Chakra is associated with speech, communication, the voice of the heart, discrimination, acceptance, forgiveness and growth through expression.

Essential Information

  • Color: Blue

  • Mantra: Ham

  • Element: Space or Either

  • Balancing Stones and Crystals: Angelite, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Azurite, Blue Sapphire and Blue Topaz

  • Essential Oils: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rose, Neroli, Geranium, Jasmine, Sage, Cypress, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Clove and Tea Tree Oil

  • Location: This Chakra is located at the throat

  • Gland: Thyroid

  • Chakra Symbology

  • The lotus with sixteen petals represents the sixteen Klas meaning "potential abilities" that a person can develop.

  • The number sixteen can also represent the sixteen vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet.

  • The origin of Udana Prana (the downward flow of energy.)

  • The name of this Chakra is derived from this particular function.

  • All issues and unpleasant experiences that have suppressed during the course of our life, sit in the subconscious mind until they are appropriately dealt with.

  • Expression of yourself - your truth, purpose in life and creativity.

  • Signs of a balanced Throat Chakra

  • Propensity to create.

  • Good sense of timing.

  • Realizing your vocation and purpose.

  • Imbalance in the Throat Chakra

  • Telling lies.

  • Not being able to listen to others.

  • Excessive fear of speaking.

  • Lack of control over one's speech and speaking too much or inappropriately.

  • Small and imperceptible voice.

  • Issues with keeping secrets and or your word.

  • This Chakra is also referred to as

  • 5th Chakra

  • Vishuddhikaya Chakra

  • Hharati Sthana
  • Kanth Padma

  • Shodash Dala
  • Practices for the Throat Chakra

    Vishuddhi Chakra

         The following practices are intended to clear and balance Vishuddha. You are encouraged to use these practices individually or combine them together with other practices for a more effective practice. As you go about your day, you can also bring your awareness to this Chakra. This practice is sometimes referred to as Vishuddhi Yoga and Vishuddha Yoga.

    Mantra for the Throat Chakra

         The Bija Mantra or seed Mantra for the Chakra is HAM. Chanting this Mantra during practices and while in a walking state will help to clear and balance this Chakra. While chanting this Bija Mantra, visualize the color light blue at this Chakra.

    Color therapy for the Throat Chakra

  • Wearing clothing in the color light blue is good way to use the sense of sight to help clear and balance this Chakra.

  • Preform Shavasana or lay down on the back, place a gemstone that is associated with this Chakra at the Chakra.

  • While Meditating, visualize the color light blue coming from Vishuddhi.

  • Eating fruits and vegetables. Negatively Pranic foods or night shades should be avoided.

  • If you have a practice room, hang light blue sheets on the walls during your practice.
  • More Chakras

    Muladhara Chakra


       The Root Chakra is the first energy center, is where Kundalini energy resides, associated with our survival instincts, basic needs, security, shelter, food and our fight or flight response.

    Svadhisthana Chakra


       The Sacral Chakra is the second energy center, associated with our emotions and allows us to feel and experience the world around and within us.

    Manipura Chakra


       The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third energy center, associated with the development of personal power, feeds one’s direction in life and the actions taken in order to reach your goals.

    Anahata Chakra

    Anahata Chakra

       The Heart Chakra is the fourth energy center, associated with the immune system, compassion, unconditional love, tenderness, balance and equilibrium. 

    Ajna Chakra


       The Third eye Chakra is the sixth energy center, associated with the archetypal dimensions as well as the realm of spirits while being an instrument to perceive the more subtle qualities of reality, the seat of intuitive sensibility and inner perception.

    Sahasrara Chakra


    The Crown Chakra is the seventh energy center, associated with inner wisdom, end of physical attachments, release of all Karma, of illusions as well as the Guru within.

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