

     In Sanskrit, Chakra means "wheel" and is translated as "vortex of Prana" meaning "life force energy" and they are junction points where the Nadis meaning "energetic pathways" meet.

     These junction points are often referred to as energy centers and are known as wheels of spinning energy that move life force energy through the seventy two thousand energetic pathways into different energy centers.

     In total there are one hundred and fourteen energy centers, one hundred and twelve of them are within the body allowing us to experience and work with them. 

     While the other two energy centers are outside the body and as a result, they can not be experienced or worked with. This is because they belong to and are our connection to the Creator.

     Out of the one hundred and twelve energy centers there are seven Chakras that run from near the base of the spine to the crown of the head, twenty one minor energy centers and eighty six micro energy centers throughout the body.

     The major energy centers are located along Sushumna Nadi or the central energetic pathway and is also referred to as the main energetic pathway, which is located in the center of the spinal cord. Each energy center is associated with different aspects.

     These energy centers are described in the oldest known text, the Vedas where they are described as rays of light. Other Sanskrit text describing the energy centers is the Yoga-Shikka Upanishad, the Shri Jabala Darshana Upanishad, the Cudamini Upanishad and the Shandilya Upanishad.

Chakras and the spiritual path

     As stated above, Chakras are spinning wheels of energy that are created by the energetic pathways meeting at certain points.

     It is said that our animal tendencies and basic instincts are located in the lower Chakras at legs and feet which are known in Sanskrit as Pashuchakras and through purifying them, these tendencies and instincts can be released.

     With these tendencies and instincts residing in the lower energy centers it is highly unadvised to preform a practice that focuses on the legs and feet. This is because of the energy produced within these energy centers which brings the mind down into a more primitive level and may not be noticed immediately.

     One good practice is the washing of the feet which is why it is discussed in the Bible as well as the Mahabharata. It is also said that when we keep our feet pure then the lower three energy centers are also pure.

     Keeping the energetic pathways and energy centers clear of toxins as well as the debris cause by the ego is an essential step in any spiritual path, allowing life force energy to flow freely.

     The energy center are located in the Pranamaya Kosha meaning "bioplasmic" or "energy body" and this Kosha meaning "sheath" or "body" is effect by the practice of Pranayama

Working with the 7 Main Chakras

     Looking at the make-up of the Chakra symbols. Starting with the petals of the Lotus Flower, each petal has the Biji Mantra meaning "seed sound" in the Sanskrit alphabet, which represents the different manifestations of the psychic energy connected with that energy center and energetic pathways entering and exiting them.

     With in each the energy center is a Yantra meaning "an instrument" which is made of a geometrical shapes of its associated element and the Biji Mantra. With in the Yantra is the residing Deity which represents different aspect of Consciousness, as well as the Vahana meaning "vehicle" in the form of an animal, which represents the other psychic aspects with in each energy center.

Chakra Colors

     Each energy center vibrates at different rates therefore each center vibrates to a different color frequency known as Chakra colors. Each energy center is located at different points in the body and correlate to different organs in the body. They also have different qualities depending on the openness of the particular energy center.

      Each energy center has stones and crystals that help to balance that specific center, but there is one crystal that stand out from the rest. That is Quartz Crystal because it has the ability to activate and balance all energy centers.

     A Mantra and Yantra accompanies each energy center and can be used during different Chakra Meditation practices. When working with the seven main energy centers keep your awareness on any sensations felt in the body.

     This practice will also help the practitioner to listen to the body as well as the internal workings of the body that can not seen by modern technology. All of the practices for the seven Chakras are intended for Chakra balancing or Chakra healing and is sometimes referred to as Chakra Yoga.

     When the energy centers are energized enough certain subtle feelings or sensations can be felt emanating from these centers, this is when the nature of the energy centers can be further understood through experience. Just by bringing your full attention and awareness to one energy center, filling that center with Prana by using the breath and visualization, you can energize that center enough and will feel a sensation.


     This may take some time to experience but with enough patience and determination this practice will flower before you and become effortless. During practice there are three keys to success - relaxation, intent and proper posture while sitting.

     You will need to need to relax further then you normally do, we suggest a complete body scan looking for tension in the body and releasing it. Intent, if you are going to set some time aside for this practice then it is best to fully involve yourself in the practice. There is no need to start a practice with any amount of doubt to weather the practice is real or not.

     It is possible for a physical injury to block an energy center for a short period of time or a long term blockage of the energy center or centers. This is why it is important to correct any injury as soon as possible, not just because of the physical damage the can occur because of an injury.

     Proper posture during practice is essential because of the energetic pathways. If these pathways are obstructed because we are sitting with improper posture, then the energy centers will not be felt or will be an even more subtle sensation.

Techniques To Balance Each Chakra

The 7 Main Chakras

Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra

   The Root Chakra is the first energy center, is where Kundalini energy resides, associated with our survival instincts, basic needs, security, shelter, food and our fight or flight response.

Svadhisthana Chakra

Svadhisthana Chakra

   The Sacral Chakra is the second energy center, associated with our emotions and allows us to feel and experience the world around and within us.

Manipura Chakra

Manipura Chakra

   The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third energy center, associated with the development of personal power, feeds one’s direction in life and the actions taken in order to reach your goals.

Anahata Chakra


   The Heart Chakra is the fourth energy center, associated with the immune system, compassion, unconditional love, tenderness, balance and equilibrium.

Vishuddhi Chakra

Vishuddhi Chakra

   The Throat Chakra is the fifth energy center, associated with speech, communication, the voice of the heart, discrimination, acceptance, forgiveness and growth through expression.

Ajna Chakra


   The Third eye Chakra is the sixth energy center, associated with the archetypal dimensions as well as the realm of spirits while being an instrument to perceive the more subtle qualities of reality, the seat of intuitive sensibility and inner perception.

Sahasrara Chakra


   The Crown Chakra is the seventh energy center, associated with inner wisdom, end of physical attachments, release of all Karma, of illusions as well as the Guru within.

Related Practice

7 Main Chakras

Chakra Meditations

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