Ahamkara Mudra

Ahamkara Mudra

     In Sanskrit, Ahamkara means "ego," and is derived from two root words Aham meaning "Self," Kara meaning "to do with" or "created thing" and Mudra means "gesture." This practice is a Asamyukta meaning “one” Hasta Mudra, where only one hand is required to preform this practice but both hands can preform this practice.

     This practice is associated with Manipura Chakra and can help with confidence as well as a sense of peace. This gesture is also associated with the ego, meaning the recognition of the ego without any support given to it.

     When we are able to recognize the ego, we then have the ability as well as the choice to retract from the ego and dwell in the Higher Self.


  • Sit in a Meditative Asana or a comfortable seated position, this gesture can also be preformed during a Yoga Asana practice or during a Pranayama practice.

  • Rub both palms together to activate the palms.
  • Bend the index fingers slightly.
  • Bring the thumb to the side of the first knuckle of the index finger at the upper part.
  • The other three fingers are kept straight.
  • Bring the back of the hands on the knees or in the lap.

  • Duration

  • Practice for at least 15 minutes daily.

  • Hasta Mudras can be practiced for up to 45 minutes daily.
  • The best times for practice are between the hours of 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Awareness

  • While practicing bring your awareness to Manipura Chakra.

  • Additional Practice

  • While practicing you can chant the Biji Mantra for Manipura Chakra: Ram

  • Benefits of Ahamkara Mudra

  • Boost self-confidence and self-assertion.

  • Helps to overcome fear and timidity.

  • Activates Manipura Chakra.

  • This practice is also referred to as

  • Most Powerful Mudra

  • Self confidence Mudra

  • Hasta Mudra to boost confidence

  • Confidence Mudra
  • Related Practices

    Hasta Mudra

    Hasta Mudra

       Hand gestures are a precise way of holding the fingers to create new energetic pathways for the flow of Prana for health and spiritual purposes.



       Yoga poses help to elongate and strengthen the muscles of the body as well as to calm the mind for the deeper spiritual practices of Yoga.



       Breathing exercises are a great practice to remove carbon dioxide, increase lung capacity as well as being a good preparatory practice for the deepest spiritual practice of Yoga, Meditation.



       Meditation is the highest spiritual practice of Yoga which is why this practice is the most difficult practice to preform, but with correct knowledge and dedication, can be the most profound practice of Yoga.

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