Yoga Mudra
In Sanskrit, Yoga means "union" and Mudra means "gesture." This Mudra is a Kaya Mudra meaning "postural gesture" practice and is described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita as well as the Shiva Samhita.
This practice gets its name because the practitioner unites the Individual Consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness.
While preforming this practice, keep the breath synchronized with the movements and keep the movements harmonious and smooth.
This practice unites the Individual Consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness, the outer world with the inner world.
Preform Padmasana or lotus pose.
Bring both wrist behind the back with one hand hold the other wrist.
Bring the awareness to Muladhara Chakra.
Inhale slowly while feeling the breath rise from Muladhara Chakra to Ajna Chakra.
Hold the breath in for a few seconds while keeping the awareness at Ajna Chakra.
Exhale bending at the hips bringing the forehead to the mat.
During the exhale, keep the awareness on the breath lowering from Ajna Chakra to Muladhara Chakra.
Hold the breath out for a few seconds while keeping the awareness at Muladhara Chakra.
Inhale to bring the torso back to neutral, while keeping the awareness on the breath raising from Muladhara Chakra to Ajna Chakra.
During the inhale, keep the awareness on the breath raising from Muladhara Chakra to Ajna Chakra.
Hold the breath in for a few seconds while keeping the awareness at Ajna Chakra.
This practice is also referred to as
The six cleansing actions are intended to be the start of a Yoga practice in order to clean, strengthen, remove toxins and improve the flow of Prana through out the practitioner.
Yoga poses help to elongate and strengthen the muscles of the body as well as to calm the mind for the deeper spiritual practices of Yoga.
Breathing exercises are a great practice to remove carbon dioxide, increase lung capacity as well as being a good preparatory practice for the deepest spiritual practice of Yoga, Meditation.
The four body locks that makes up this practice give the practitioner the ability to hold or lock Prana in certain locations of the body. These practices also allow the practitioner to release blockages that may be holding the practitioner back.
The gestures in this practice include the whole body and are intended to awaken Prana, Chakras as well as Kundalini energy within the practitioner.
Meditation is the highest spiritual practice of Yoga which is why this practice is the most difficult practice to preform, but with correct knowledge and dedication, can be the most profound practice of Yoga.