Spinal Twisting Asanas

     The poses in this group help to elongate the muscles of the back, giving flexibility to the back, nourishes the abdominal organs while rejuvenating tissues in the back as well as stimulating the spinal nerves. These Asanas enhances the flow of Prana meaning "life force energy" in the Samana region of the body while activating Manipura Chakra.

     On an emotional level, mindfully twisting and untwisting the torso symbolizes the managing of the issues or knots encountered in life. These Asanas provide a sense of stability through grounding the practitioner, emotionally as well as physically.

     During pregnancy Meru Wakrasana is the only Asana that is suggested in this group of Asanas. If you have any kind of back issue, please refer to the precautions section before you practice and consult an experienced teacher before practicing any Asana that call for the practice to not be preformed if you wish to preform the Asana.

Spinal Twisting Asana Practices

Half Spinal Twist Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana/ Half Spinal Twist

Parivritti Janu Sirshasana

Parivritti Janu Sirshasana/ Spiraled Head to Knee Pose

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