Back Bending Asanas

     The Asanas in this group help to elongate the muscles of the abdomen while toning and strengthening the muscles that control the spine. The nerves that come out from between the vertebrae are decompressed which bring the vertebrae in proper alignment. This is also helpful throughout the body because all nerves come out from the spine and are distributed throughout the body.

     These Asanas help to circulate enriched pure blood to the entire back which as a tendency to hold impure blood due to lack of proper body movement. This group of Asanas can be therapeutic for some because of sitting for long periods of time with the lower back in improper alignment.

     This improper alignment is caused by allowing the hips to pivot backwards allowing the lumbar region of the back to become bowed outward which causes the vertebra to not be in alignment. The hips should be pivoted forward allowing for the vertebra to be in proper alignment causing an inward bow in the lower back.

    During pregnancy any Asana where the stomach is bearing any weight should not be preformed. If you have any kind of back issue please refer to the precautions section before you practice and consult an experienced teacher before practicing any Asanas that call for the practice to not be preformed if you wish to preform the Asana.


  • All Back Bending Asanas are followed or started with a Forward Folding Asana.

  • Back Bending Asana Practices

    Ashwa Sanchalasana

    Ashwa Sanchalanasana/ Equestrian Pose

    Easy Cobra Pose

    Saral Bhuhangasana/ Easy Cobra Pose

    Camel Pose

    Ushtrasana/ Camel Pose

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